End of 1st day

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fuhh...selesai tugas harini...nothing happenned..Haris is very good boy today.. n i hope in future too..huhu

Harini gak dpt berita dr warga J5166,

  • Congratulation to my sis,Alang sbb dpt futher her study at Brisbane,Aus..Aku tau die akn dpt punye r..Tahniah once again!!
  • Congratulation to my brother,Wawan.sbb dh konvo..cayalah mat navy..

Miss u all,warga J5166..muacchhhhh


Longchamp LP said...

Muacchhh... tapi tak miss awok pung..miss Haris jek. haha

Mana awk tau 'dia-akn-dpt-punye-r'? Org pun tak confident.

ps: Beb, allow Anynomous comment. Leceh ler.